All children and parents are encouraged to use the crossings on Lamond and Salford Streets. Students are on Road Patrol from 8:30am to 8:50am and from 2:55pm to 3:10pm daily at both Lamond and Salford Streets.
The school supports the Land Transport recommendation that only students 10 years and over have the road sense and judgement to be able to bike on their own on public roads.
Children must walk their bicycles / scooters in the school grounds and park them in the stands provided.
This area is for pick up and the drop off of students only. Parents are not permitted to park cars in the drop off zone to go and collect a student from the classroom.
You should only be in this space for two minutes, just long enough for you to get in/out of your car. If your child is not waiting for you, please move on and come back.
Parents please be aware, the no parking areas on Lamond and Salford Street are to ensure that there is a clear view for both motorists and students. Cars backed up or stopped on the lines are dangerous for our students on road patrol as they cannot see past the vehicles.
Please do not park across neighbour’s driveways when arriving at school to collect your child.
Parents, please support our local businesses
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