Teacher Vacancies


Do you have an area of passion that you would love to spend all day sharing with tamariki in a part time teaching position? Then we may be the place you are looking for. We are seeking an enthusiastic, passionate teacher to teach in all classrooms across the school (Year 0 - 6) for teacher CRT release. If you have a subject or area of interest that it would be your dream to spend all day sharing and instilling in tamariki then tell us about it. You may just be what we are looking for.

We are seeking a dedicated and enthusiastic teacher who loves working with children, is a strong team player, can build excellent relationships with students, their whānau and the wider community and has a particular area of passion they would love to teach across the school. 

The successful candidate will have strong, positive behaviour management practices with an understanding of the needs of neurodiverse learners and their whānau.  

Please find attached information about the school and a job description for this position.

Release Teacher Application Pack

I invite you to apply by submitting the following:

●                    A cover letter outlining your suitability for the position

●                    A curriculum vitae

●                    A completed application form (Please request an application from admin@salford.school.nz)


Applications close: 3:00pm Friday 21st June 2024 
Shortlisting and referee checks: 21st - 24th June 2024
Interviews: 24th - 26th June 2024
Successful applicant notified: Thursday 27th June 2024
Position commences: on a date in term three 2024 that is agreed between the school and successful applicant
Applications can be emailed to the Office Manager, Judi Devine (admin@salford.school.nz). 

We look forward to receiving your application. If you would like to discuss anything about the application process or the school, feel free to call (03) 2179521   or email (sarahg@salford.school.nz).


We are very excited to have another class of tamariki starting at Salford School in terms 3 and 4 this year but it means we need another passionate, experienced kaiako to join the team. If you have experience teaching New Entrant tamariki and supporting them and their whānau on the transition between Early Childhood and Primary School and providing a positive start to schooling then we would love to hear from you. (A sense of humour and fun is a must.)

We are seeking a dedicated, passionate and experienced junior school teacher to work with our newest ākonga and give them a positive start to their schooling journey. The successful person will demonstrate a love for working with tamariki, they are a strong team player, they can build excellent relationships with ākonga, their whānau, staff and the wider community. 

The successful candidate will have strong, positive behaviour management practices with an understanding of the needs of neurodiverse learners and their whānau. 

Please find attached information about the school and a job description for this position.

Fix Term New Entrant Application Pack

I invite you to apply by submitting the following:

●                    A cover letter outlining your suitability for the position

●                    A curriculum vitae

●                    A completed application form (Please request an application from admin@salford.school.nz)


Applications close: 3:00pm Friday 21st June 2024 
Shortlisting and referee checks: 21st - 23rd June 2024
Interviews: 24th - 26th June 2024
Successful applicant notified: Friday 27th June 2024
Position commences: Monday 22nd July 2024
Applications can be emailed to the Office Manager, Judi Devine (admin@salford.school.nz). 

We look forward to receiving your application. If you would like to discuss anything about the application process or the school, feel free to call (03) 2179521   or email (sarahg@salford.school.nz).


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